House Passes Bill to Limit Cost of Insulin to $35 a Month The bill stands to benefit millions of Americans with diabetes, but to become law, it will need to attract at least 10 Republican votes in the Senate
Take a Vacation From Exercise? Your Body May Not Thank You Two new studies look at what happens when we do not exercise or move around much for a period of time.
The Keto Diet Is Popular, but Is It Good for You? Low-carb, high-fat eating can lead to weight loss, but scientists debate the long-term effects on health.
When We Eat, or Don’t Eat, May Be Critical for Health A growing body of research suggests that our bodies function optimally when we align our eating patterns with our circadian rhythms.
Are You a Carboholic? Why Cutting Carbs Is So Tough Eating a little of a tasty dessert doesn’t satisfy me — it creates a fierce craving to eat it all, and then some.