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Intense Exercise Could Curb Your Appetite, Study Suggests

In a study done with mice, horses and people, researchers found clues as to which types of exercise suppress appetite and why.

Why Covid Is More Likely to Spread At the Gym

A new study found exercisers expel a shocking number of tiny aerosol particles when they are working hard.

Is 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Enough?

Science says you may need less exercise than you think to live a long and healthy life.

Can Moving the Body Heal the Mind?

In her new book, Jennifer Heisz blends personal experience and the latest science about how exercise can improve your mental well-being.

Stronger Muscles in 3 Seconds a Day

Men and women who briefly contracted their arm muscles as hard as possible once daily increased their biceps strength by up to 12 percent in...

A Do-Anywhere Full-Body Workout

It can be done in barely 30 minutes in a hotel room, garage or even an airport lounge. All you need is a jump rope.

Take a Vacation From Exercise? Your Body May Not Thank You

Two new studies look at what happens when we do not exercise or move around much for a period of time.

Something in the Way We Move

We may each have a movement “signature” that, like our face or fingerprints, is unique to us.

Exercise May Boost Mood for Women With Depression. Having a Coach May Help.

How the “runner’s high” might be used as a tool to treat depression.
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