Tag: United States Sentencing Commission

On First Day of New Term, Justices Hear Debate Over Reducing Mass Incarceration

The justices heard arguments about how to interpret part of the law aimed at reducing prison sentences for people convicted of certain nonviolent drug crimes.

Justice Dept. Struggles to Enforce Early Release Program for Abused Inmates

Prison officials and judges have been reluctant to support “compassionate releases” unless an inmate is ill, dying or incapacitated by age.

Fact Checking Judge Jackson’s Record on Child Sexual Abuse

Republican lawmakers criticizing the Supreme Court nominee have taken the judge’s remarks and sentencing decisions out of context, distorting her record.

On Eve of Confirmation Hearings, G.O.P. Steps Up Attacks on Jackson

The White House and Democrats have pushed back hard against new claims that the judge was overly lenient in certain cases, calling them a smear.