Tag: Appeals Courts (US)

Court Rules Texas Can Ban Emergency Abortions Despite Federal Guidance

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a ruling that sided with the state on whether emergency rooms are required to perform emergency abortions.

Trump Asks Appeals Court to Toss Election Case on Immunity Grounds

The court filing was the latest development in a battle between Mr. Trump and the special counsel, Jack Smith, over whether the former president can be prosecuted for his actions while in office.

Louisiana Must Finalize New Voting Map by January, Federal Appeals Court Says

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit agreed with a lower-court ruling that the latest congressional map very likely diluted the power of Black voters.

Supreme Court Seems Likely to Uphold Law Disarming Domestic Abusers

The potential sweep of a decision could extend far beyond domestic abuse by clarifying the scope of the court’s ruling last year that vastly expanded gun rights.