Tag: Wilson, Cory T

Court Rules Texas Can Ban Emergency Abortions Despite Federal Guidance

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a ruling that sided with the state on whether emergency rooms are required to perform emergency abortions.

Supreme Court to Hear Major Guns Case Involving Domestic Violence

The court, which has decided very few Second Amendment cases, will consider whether the government may disarm people subject to restraining orders for domestic abuse.

Supreme Court to Consider Hearing Case on Guns and Domestic Abuse Orders

The Supreme Court will soon consider whether to hear an appeal of a ruling striking down a domestic-violence law under the Second Amendment.

Fifth Circuit Judges Are Hearing Arguments in Abortion Pill Case

A panel of three judges heard arguments by anti-abortion groups that the federal government should withdraw approval for a widely used drug.

Abortion Pill Fight to Be Heard by One of Nation’s Most Conservative Courts

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has long been at the center of high-profile challenges, and a wave of Trump appointees has pushed it to the leading edge of potent policy decisions.