Tag: Shipwrecks (Historic)

Is It an Octopus? a 4-Year-Old Asks. No, a Shipwreck From 1871.

Tim Wollak and his daughter Henley spotted a mysterious object on their boat’s sonar. Experts say they most likely discovered the George L. Newman, which sank during the Peshtigo fire in 1871.

Colombia Wants to Recover the San José’s Shipwreck’s Treasure

The San José galleon was destroyed in 1708, sinking with goods now worth billions. Colombia’s government is planning a recovery, but not everyone wants to see the shipwreck brought to the surface.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet Feared the Titan Sub, but Couldn’t Resist Titanic Dives

Paul-Henri Nargeolet mixed decades of passion for the ship of dreams with repeated dives and recoveries meant to save what remained of the famous ocean liner.