How to Make a Healthy Breakfast The ideal breakfast is the one that makes you feel your best, experts say, though there are some important nutrients to keep in mind.
10 Nutrition Myths Experts Wish Would Die We surveyed some of the country’s leading authorities to reveal the truth about fat, dairy, soy and more.
Health Experts Warily Eye XBB.1.5, the Latest Omicron Subvariant A young version of the coronavirus makes up one-quarter of Covid cases across the United States and over 70 percent of new cases in the Northeast.
Is Bio-Designed Collagen the Next Step in Animal Protein Replacement? One company believes the possibilities go beyond vegan “meat,” from faux leather to luxury skin-care products. But is there enough demand outside of food alternatives?
Life’s Preference for Symmetry Is Like ‘A New Law of Nature’ Techniques from computer science may help explain the tendency in biology for structures to repeat themselves.