Tag: National Rifle Assn

Texas Man at Center of Supreme Court Case Says He No Longer Wants Guns

Zackey Rahimi has vowed “to stay away from all firearms and weapons” in a case that could expand gun rights protections, but advocates say he is not an ideal poster boy for the Second Amendment.

Will the Supreme Court Toss Out a Gun Law Meant to Protect Women?

Even pro-firearms politicians are absent in the briefs supporting a lawsuit to make it harder to keep weapons out of abusers’ hands.

Trump’s Judges: More Religious Ties and More N.R.A. Memberships

A new study also found that judges appointed by the former president were more likely to vote for claims of religious freedom — unless they came from Muslims.

Knocking on the Wrong House or Door Can Be Deadly In a Nation Armed With Guns

A workman knocking on the wrong door. A cheerleader mistaking another car for her own. Small errors can have large consequences in a nation bristling with guns.