Tag: Freedom of Religion

How ‘After School Satan Club’ Is Shaking Things Up

A Memphis school says it can’t bar a club sponsored by The Satanic Temple, which has been stirring fury with First Amendment challenges and public displays, including one in Iowa that was vandalized.

‘Medical Freedom’ Activists Take Aim at New Target: Childhood Vaccine Mandates

Mississippi has long had high childhood immunization rates, but a federal judge has ordered the state to allow parents to opt out on religious grounds.

As DEI Gains Ground, Identifying as Religious at Work Does, Too

Secular companies have invited employees to bring their “whole selves” to work. That increasingly includes their religion.

Coach Who Won Supreme Court Case Over Prayers on the Field Resigns

Joseph Kennedy’s case expanded the place of religion in public life. On Wednesday, he said he would “continue to work to help people understand and embrace the historic ruling at the heart of our case.”