Tag: Le Pen, Jean-Marie

Marine Le Pen May Face Trial on Embezzlement Charges in France

Prosecutors recommended charges against Marine Le Pen that could potentially bring a 10-year jail term and a 10-year ban from public office. Paris magistrates will decide whether to proceed.

France’s World Cup Team Shows That the Country Is Changing

A multicultural team at the World Cup won’t cure France of racism. But it shows that another France is possible.

In France, an Outburst Is a Setback for the Far Right

For the first time, the National Rally is the main opposition party in Parliament. But can it use its new perch to convince voters it has changed?

How Hated Is Macron? It Could Decide the French Election.

Given the choice between a president they suspect of despising ordinary people and a far-right candidate they detest, many French voters may stay home.