Tag: Holocaust and the Nazi Era

Don’t Turn Away From the Charges of Genocide Against Israel

South Africa’s case before the International Court of Justice is crammed with evidence of breaches of the 1948 international genocide convention.

Accused of Genocide, Israelis See Reversal of Reality. Palestinians See Justice.

Israel stands accused of committing genocide in Gaza. To Israelis, the charge is a perversion of history. But for Palestinians it creates a fleeting sense of historic justice.

What to Do With a Bug Named Hitler?

Anophthalmus hitleri is a small, amber-colored beetle native to a few damp caves in Slovenia. It has one glaring problem.

In Steve McQueen’s ‘Occupied City,’ a Marriage of Art and History

Steve McQueen collaborated with his wife Bianca Stigter to make “Occupied City,” a four-hour documentary that brings Amsterdam’s World War II history into the present day.