Tag: National Rally (France)

A Small-Town Stabbing Takes On a Larger Significance for France

The death might have been just a local tragedy. But some of the suspects were from an immigrant community, turning the case into a cause célèbre for the far right.

A Small-Town Stabbing Takes On a Larger Significance for France

The death might have been just a local tragedy. But some of the suspects were from an immigrant community, turning the case into a cause célèbre for the far right.

French Parliament Approves Immigration Overhaul

The French leader was elected twice on a vow to keep populism at bay. But his bill received rare support from the far right, setting off a crisis in his party.

A Former French President Gives a Voice to Obstinate Russian Sympathies

Remarks by Nicolas Sarkozy have raised fears that Europe’s pro-Putin chorus may grow louder as Ukraine’s plodding counteroffensive puts pressure on Western resolve.

Macron Denounces Violent Protests in France

President Emmanuel Macron of France, in his first remarks since pushing through a rise in the retirement age, was firm and unapologetic.