Tag: Language and Languages

At These Schools, Arab and Jewish Students Share Their Feelings, With Each Other

At a time when support for peace is at a low, conversations at Israel’s Hand in Hand schools about the Oct. 7 attack and the war in Gaza sound different than they do elsewhere.

Matt Damon, Fran Drescher and an Indian Soybean Farmer on 2024

I asked an array of people what they’re wishing for in the new year.

Disney Is a Language. Do We Still Speak It?

As the company celebrates its 100th anniversary, its dominance as a generation-spanning cultural force no longer seems certain.

How Africans Are Changing French — One Joke, Rap and Book at a Time

More than 60 percent of French speakers now live in Africa. Despite growing resentment at France, Africans are contributing to the evolution and spread of the French language.