Tag: Air Pollution

The New Space Race Is Causing New Pollution Problems

Earth’s stratosphere has never seen the amounts of emissions and waste from rockets and satellites that a booming space economy will leave behind.

Tiny Electric Vehicles Pack a Bigger Climate Punch Than Cars

Two- and three-wheeled vehicles, used by billions of people, are moving away from fossil fuels to batteries faster than cars in countries that have made the energy transition a priority.

How Can Buildings Beat the Heat in a Desert City? Blend Ancient and Modern.

More architects in the United Arab Emirates, the host of this year’s U.N. climate summit, are moving past glass skyscrapers and focusing on sustainability.

How to Stop the Biggest Threat to Europe’s Green Transition

Backpedaling on the environment is not just bad for the future; it’s bad for political prospects.

Bill Gates: Fighting Climate Change Should Be Affordable. The Rich Can Make It So.

Rich individuals, companies and countries must ensure green technologies are affordable for everyone, everywhere.