Tag: Air Conditioning

Don’t Flee the American Southwest Just Yet

The era of shrinking water resources and rising temperatures will undoubtedly test Southwest states, but it’s a question of how we adapt, not whether we survive.

How Can Buildings Beat the Heat in a Desert City? Blend Ancient and Modern.

More architects in the United Arab Emirates, the host of this year’s U.N. climate summit, are moving past glass skyscrapers and focusing on sustainability.

Heat Pump Installations Slow, Impeding Biden’s Climate Goals

The devices can heat and cool homes more efficiently than furnaces and air-conditioners, but their sales have slowed because of higher interest rates and a slow rollout of federal incentives.

Workers Exposed to Extreme Heat Have Few Protections

Tens of millions of Americans are struggling to cope with soaring temperatures. OSHA is developing new workplace safety standards, but they are not yet complete.