Tag: your-feed-animals

Scientists Use CRISPR to Make Chickens More Resistant to Bird Flu

A new study highlights both the promise and the limitations of gene editing, as a highly lethal form of avian influenza continues to spread around the world.

In the Big City, Wildlife Researchers Are On the Prowl

Scientists are studying urban animals and the diseases they carry, to understand the potential risks to people, pets and the animals themselves.

In Peru, a Fossil-Rich Desert Faces Unruly Development

The Ocucaje Desert, where paleontologists recently unearthed the ancient skeleton of the world’s heaviest animal, is being overtaken by human settlement.

A Mystery Species Was Discovered in Trafficked Pangolin Scales

Researchers believed there were eight species of the strange mammals. But a ninth was identified genetically, although no one knew it was a separate species in the wild.