Tag: University of California, Berkeley

In Overnight Sweep, Police in Berkeley Clear Protesters From People’s Park

The University of California, Berkeley, has been trying for years, against determined opposition, to build new student housing on part of the iconic property.

AI Helps a Stroke Patient Speak Again, a Milestone for Tech and Neuroscience

The brain activity of a paralyzed woman is being translated into words spoken by an avatar. This milestone could help others who have lost speech.

With Commuters Staying Home, Transit Agencies Try to Reinvent Themselves

In California, Bay Area Rapid Transit has suffered so much that it needs a state bailout — and possibly a new business model.

Who Was the ‘Unabomber’ Ted Kaczynski?

The domestic terrorist, who evaded authorities for almost 20 years, killed three people and injured 23 others with his homemade bombs.

High Density Housing Plan in Berkeley Sparks Familiar Fight

Plans to build apartments have sparked a fight between progressive newcomers and nostalgic old-timers — with surprising allegiances in a writer’s hometown.