Tag: Sunset Park (Brooklyn, NY)

Where the Migrants Who Came to New York Are Living Now

From every corner of the world to every corner of New York City, newcomers are carving out communities in unexpected — and sometimes hostile — places.

Children Are the Casualties in NYC’s Daily Struggle for Housing

Tragedies abound at the confluence of two crises: the desperate need for housing and the shortage of quality child care.

Staking the Future on a Stretch of Sidewalk in Brooklyn

Immigrant street vendors have been setting up shop on Fifth Avenue in Sunset Park for decades. A pecking order loosely allocates the spaces, but the setup is not worry free.

Politics, Police, Pozole: The Battle for Sunset Park

An impromptu street market in a Brooklyn park was a lifeline for immigrants during the pandemic. But then came complaints and conflicts, and then the police.