Tag: States (US)

Trump Ballot Challenges Advance, Varying Widely in Strategy and Sophistication

Donald J. Trump’s eligibility for the presidential ballot has been challenged in more than 30 states, but only a handful of those cases have gained traction so far.

Greg Abbott’s Ridiculously Unconstitutional Immigration Fight

By taking over the federal role in immigration enforcement, Governor Abbott of Texas is welcoming a legal fight with the Biden administration.

Don’t Flee the American Southwest Just Yet

The era of shrinking water resources and rising temperatures will undoubtedly test Southwest states, but it’s a question of how we adapt, not whether we survive.

Slow Rollout of Electric Vehicle Charging Network Could Hinder E.V. Adoption

Lawmakers approved $5 billion for states to build a network of fast chargers two years ago. Although some states have made progress in recent weeks, most have not yet awarded contracts or started construction.