Tag: Speed Limits and Speeding

As Teens Take to E-Bikes, Parents Ask: Is This Freedom or Danger?

Across the country, parents are expressing a mix of enthusiasm, contrition and uncertainty about the trendy mode of transportation.

David Simon, Creator of ‘The Wire’, Got Caught By a Speed Camera. He Was Irate.

David Simon, creator of “The Wire,” was livid that he got a $50 ticket for going 36 miles per hour in a school zone. His response drew a lot of responses.

‘A Dangerous Combination’: Teenagers’ Accidents Expose E-Bike Risks

The e-bike industry is booming, but many vehicles are not legal for teenagers, and accidents are on the rise.

U.S. Pedestrian Deaths Are at Highest Level in 41 Years, Report Says

More than 7,500 people were struck and killed by vehicles in 2022, according to state data. Safety can be improved through infrastructure changes and traffic enforcement, the analysis said.