Tag: Smith, Jason Thomas (1980- )

Republicans in Congress Seek to Block Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal

The chairman of the Ways and Means Committee filed a brief in federal court saying the plea agreement for the president’s son had been tainted by political interference.

Lawmakers Challenge Ford and Chinese Battery Partner Over Forced Labor

Republicans are raising fresh concerns about CATL, the battery maker Ford is working with to bring new technology to the U.S., and its connections to Xinjiang.

House Republicans Summon Officials to Testify About Hunter Biden Inquiry

The demand for interviews with more than a dozen federal officials comes as the G.O.P. hunts for evidence that the government improperly protected the president’s son from felony prosecution.

Garland Pushes Back at GOP Claims of Bias in Hunter Biden Investigation

The attorney general denied assertions that he had interfered with the case and blocked a prosecutor from lodging more charges.

I.R.S. Agent Told Congress of Hunter Biden Invoking His Father in Business Deal

A whistle-blower said the tax agency found a message from 2017 in which Hunter Biden pressured a Chinese business partner by saying he was with his father, who was then out of office.