Tag: San Francisco Board of Supervisors

California Slams San Francisco for ‘Egregious’ Barriers to Housing Construction

The city adopted a state-approved plan in January to build 82,000 new housing units in eight years. It’s already failing.

Dianne Feinstein’s Lasting Impact on Women in Office

When Dianne Feinstein was elected in 1992, only two women were in the U.S. Senate. There were 25 on the day she died.

San Francisco Mourns Its Homegrown Senator and the End of the Feinstein Era

Dianne Feinstein’s life was inseparable from the fortunes and tragedies of San Francisco over nine decades.

Dianne Feinstein, 90, Dies; Oldest Sitting Senator and Fixture of California Politics

She achieved remarkable political breakthroughs as a woman, becoming San Francisco’s first female mayor and the first woman elected to the Senate from California.