Tag: Propaganda

Russia Depicts Wounded Soldiers as Heroes, or Not at All

Troops with amputated limbs or serious injuries return home to find a patchwork system of treatment and, often, efforts to keep them out of the public eye.

Russia Depicts Wounded Soldiers as Heroes, or Not at All

Troops with amputated limbs or serious injuries return home to find a patchwork system of treatment and, often, efforts to keep them out of the public eye.

Polish Right Occupies State TV, Refusing to Accept Loss of Power

The sit-in shut down Poland’s main public news station, a possible harbinger of battles to come as the party voted out of power tries to keep its grip on state institutions.

In Soldiers’ Remains, Russia Plots a Way to Reconcile With France

A man with close ties to the Kremlin went looking for and found the remains of World War I Russian soldiers in France. Moscow hopes to use the discovery for diplomatic purposes.