Tag: Peters, Tina

Illinois Governor’s Race Shows G.O.P.’s Lurch to Right (With Nudge From Left)

Democrats meddled to boost State Senator Darren Bailey in the G.O.P. primary for Illinois governor. But efforts to elevate far-right candidates in Colorado fizzled.

The Election Conspiracy Theories Driving Tina Peters to Run in Colorado

The county clerk has been consumed by election conspiracy theories, lionized by a movement and indicted in a bizarre scheme. Will Republicans nominate her to run elections in Colorado?

How Influential Election Deniers Have Fueled a Fight to Control Elections

Several prominent promoters of election misinformation are backing a slate of Republican candidates running for secretary of state in races across the country.

Tina Peters, G.O.P. Colorado Secretary of State Candidate, Is Barred From Overseeing Elections

A judge ruled that Tina Peters, a pro-Trump Republican accused of tampering with voting equipment in Mesa County, had “committed a neglect of duty.”

A Crusade to Challenge the 2020 Election, Blessed by Church Leaders

Some evangelical pastors are hosting events dedicated to Trump’s election falsehoods and promoting the cause to their congregations.