Tag: Molina, Louis A

How Rikers Island Became New York’s Largest Mental Institution

A seemingly endless rotation between state forensic hospitals and city jails has meant that some mentally ill detainees stay in the system for years without ever standing trial.

Louis Molina, Head of NYC’s Troubled Jails, Is Named Deputy Mayor for Safety

Louis A. Molina had been head of the Correction Department since 2022 but failed to improve conditions at the perennially troubled jails.

Rikers Watchdog Sues New York City Over Lack of Transparency

Members want their access to video from Rikers restored, filing their case the day before a critical hearing that could put the city’s jails on the path to a takeover by a federal court.

Once Praised, Jails Chief Draws Ire Over Lack of Transparency on Rikers

Under pressure to stem violence in New York City jails, the commissioner, Louis A. Molina, has angered federal officials by withholding information on sensitive investigations.