Tag: Milk, Harvey

Dianne Feinstein’s Lasting Impact on Women in Office

When Dianne Feinstein was elected in 1992, only two women were in the U.S. Senate. There were 25 on the day she died.

San Francisco Mourns Its Homegrown Senator and the End of the Feinstein Era

Dianne Feinstein’s life was inseparable from the fortunes and tragedies of San Francisco over nine decades.

The Judge and the Case That Came Back to Haunt Him

In 1981, Anthony Kline helped send a juvenile offender to prison for four decades. This year, in a twist of fate, he had a chance to decide her case again.

Doctors, Attend to Your Mental Health

Removing the stigma from mental health care for doctors. Also: War crimes in Ukraine; the “Don’t Say Gay” law; baseball signs; Alcoholics Anonymous.