Tag: Martial Law

A Wartime Election in Ukraine? It’s a Political Hot Potato.

In normal circumstances, President Volodymyr Zelensky would be running for re-election next spring. Analysts say an election is unlikely, but the prospect is causing some anxiety in Kyiv.

Belief or Betrayal? Ukraine’s Conscientious Objectors Face Hostility.

The option of “alternative service” vanished after martial law was declared last year. But some have refused to serve, and now face jail time and skepticism about their motives.

Putin Declares Martial Law in 4 Illegally Annexed Ukrainian Regions

The Russian leader also imposed restrictions in over two dozen areas in Russia, signaling an attempt to crack down on dissent at home.

Victims Recall Life in the Philippines Under Marcos’s Martial Law

Ferdinand E. Marcos placed the country under military rule 50 years ago this week. With his son now in power, those who lived through those dark days fear their stories will be lost.