Tag: Logging Industry

Canada’s Boreal Forests Badly Damaged by Logging

A study finds that logging has inflicted severe damage to the vast boreal forests in Ontario and Quebec, two of the country’s main commercial logging regions.

Rare Giant Rat Is Photographed Alive for First Time

The people who live on the island of Vangunu were adamant that the critically endangered species still existed. They helped researchers prove that they were right.

Female Rangers ‘Don’t Go All Alpha Like the Men’ to Protect a Forest

Rather than take a confrontational approach with trespassers looking to farm or log in a tropical rainforest in Indonesia, teams of women rangers try dialogue first.

Reviving the Majestic Redwood Forests

A mission to undo decades of damage to the redwoods of California caused by unchecked logging involves even more logging — and chain saws.

Deforestation in Tropical Forests Increases,

Deforestation rates appear “headed in the wrong direction” despite international pledges to halt destruction, according to an annual assessment.