Tag: Kim, Andy (1982- )

Asian American Officials Cite Unfair Scrutiny and Lost Jobs in China Spy Tensions

National security employees with ties to Asia say U.S. counterintelligence officers wrongly regard them as potential spies and ban them from jobs.

Tammy Murphy Has an Edge in Her Bid for Menendez’s Seat: The Ballot

Tammy Murphy is backed by some New Jersey Democratic leaders who have incentives to stay in the good graces of her husband, Gov. Philip D. Murphy. The state’s election rules give them enormous power.

In Chorus for Menendez to Quit, Few Voices From His Own Backyard

New Jersey’s governor and other Democrats have urged Senator Robert Menendez to resign in the face of bribery charges. Not everyone is joining the call.

George Santos Is In a Class of His Own. But Other Politicians Have Embellished Their Resumes, Too.

Mr. Santos, a Republican representative-elect from Long Island, has admitted to lying about his professional background, educational history and property ownership.