Tag: internal-storyline-inline-no

Gunfire Echoing Through School Grounds? Parents Are Terrified. Kids Stopped Noticing.

In a Rhode Island city, AR-15-style weapons at a police firing range comprise the soundtrack to the school day, inuring children to the threat of violence.

Retail Group Retracts Startling Claim About ‘Organized’ Shoplifting

The National Retail Federation had said that nearly half of the industry’s $94.5 billion in missing merchandise in 2021 was the result of organized theft. It was likely closer to 5 percent.

Social Media Changed How Brands Talk to Us, but Are the Jokes Wearing Thin?

For a decade, marketers have found success on social media by roasting customers, and even flirting with them. But with Gen Z, and platforms like TikTok on the rise, the jokes may be wearing thin.

Miles de mensajes de texto dan nuevas pistas del caso Ayotzinapa

Policías, militares y otros funcionarios se coludieron con un cártel que secuestró a 43 estudiantes en un caso que lleva casi una década sin resolverse. Unas intercepciones telefónicas muestran la ayuda que brindaron las autoridades al cártel en la desaparición masiva, y las circunstancias que llevaron a ella.