Tag: Internal Revenue Service

I.R.S. Agent Told Congress of Hunter Biden Invoking His Father in Business Deal

A whistle-blower said the tax agency found a message from 2017 in which Hunter Biden pressured a Chinese business partner by saying he was with his father, who was then out of office.

The Debt-Limit Deal Suggests Debt Will Keep Growing, Fast

Negotiations to prevent a government default reaffirmed that the big drivers of future deficits are all off the table in a divided Washington.

Prosecutors Scrutinize Political Nonprofit Groups for Fund-Raising Fraud

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have sought recordings of calls made by two networks of groups that solicited money from donors for a variety of politically tinged causes.

Pass the Debt Ceiling Deal

Biden’s deal with Republicans would avoid default and deserves support, but Congress was reckless in allowing this standoff to happen again.