Tag: India

‘Misoginia de la era colonial’: en los fallos sobre los derechos de las mujeres se cita a un juez del siglo XVII

Tanto en India como en el borrador del fallo Roe v. Wade en Estados Unidos, todavía ocupa un lugar preponderante un juez inglés que escribió que las mujeres estaban obligadas por contrato a los maridos.

The 17th-Century English Judge Behind Abortion and Rape Rulings Today

Both in India and in the Roe v. Wade draft ruling roiling the United States, Lord Matthew Hale — an English judge who wrote that women were contractually obligated to husbands — still looms large.

Elephants in Mourning Spotted on YouTube by Scientists

It is difficult to catch Asian elephants responding to deaths of herd members in the wild, but online videos helped researchers observe the behavior.