Tag: Housing and Urban Development Department

Federal Housing Assistance Shrinks as Cost of Rent Rises

Rents have surged and homelessness is at record heights, but fewer of the poorest tenants are getting housing assistance — in stark contrast to growth in other safety net programs.

Some Black Homeowners Could Have a Clear Way to Challenge Racist Appraisals

Under a new proposal, a homeowner with a mortgage insured by the Federal Housing Administration would have uniform steps to follow to object to what they believe is an unfair, biased appraisal.

How the Government Is Failing Americans Uprooted by Natural Disaster

Climate change is creating a growing class of displaced Americans, and the federal government is struggling to decide how to help them.

First-Time Home Buyers Are Getting Squeezed Out by Investors and Corporations

Investors and corporations are buying up houses and turning them into rental properties. In Charlotte, N.C., that is adding to the hurdles facing would-be buyers navigating a brutal market.