Tag: House Committee on Appropriations

McCarthy Puts Off Spending Votes, Stymied in Efforts to Avert a Shutdown

Action on the floor stalled as Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggled for votes to bring spending bills up for debate and remained stalemated with right-wing members.

Facing a Shutdown, Congress Melts Down

Bands of Republicans in the House and the Senate have brought the spending debate to a screeching halt with a shutdown just days away.

In Opposing Gun Program, Lawmaker Omitted His Store Was Subject to It

One of two gun stores owned by Representative Andrew Clyde in Georgia, Clyde Armory in Athens, was placed in the monitoring program in 2020 and 2021.

House Republicans Demand Deep Cuts to Spending Bills They Rarely Support

G.O.P. leaders are tailoring their government funding legislation to far-right lawmakers who are insisting on deep cuts, but who hardly ever vote for spending bills. That’s raising the chances of a fall shutdown.

Who Are Biden’s Negotiators on a Debt Ceiling Deal With Republicans?

President Biden selected Shalanda Young and Steve Ricchetti to talk directly with aides to Speaker Kevin McCarthy in an attempt to avoid default.