Tag: Generic Brands and Products

How Gilead Profited by Slow-Walking a Promising H.I.V. Therapy

Gilead delayed a new version of a drug, allowing it to extend the patent life of a blockbuster line of medications, internal documents show.

Drug Shortages Near an All-Time High, Leading to Rationing

A worrisome scarcity of cancer drugs has heightened concerns about the troubled generic drug industry. Congress and the White House are seeking ways to address widespread supply problems.

Higher Food Prices Bring Bigger Profits, but Consumers Start to Resist

Some of the biggest packaged food companies raised their prices last quarter and their profits rose, but some customers were starting to cut back or trade down.

Abortion Pill Maker Sues F.D.A. to Protect Drug if a Court Orders It Off the Market

The suit by GenBioPro, the generic maker of mifepristone, is the latest strand in the intense legal battle over abortion pills.

California’s Plan for Cheaper Insulin Collides With Big Pharma’s Price Cuts

The state awarded a $50 million contract to produce less costly treatments, but moves by major suppliers might undercut the initiative before any new product emerges.