Tag: Catherine II, Empress of Russia

Prigozhin and the Long and Infamous History of Failed Russian Rebellions

Putin may emerge weakened, strengthened or vindictive.

Why Russia Stole Potemkin’s Bones From Ukraine

The 18th-century military commander and lover of Catherine the Great helped conquer Ukraine and looms large in the version of history the Kremlin uses to justify the war.

Odesa Is Defiant. It’s Also Putin’s Ultimate Target in Ukraine.

President Vladimir V. Putin knows that Ukraine’s fate, its access to the sea and its grain exports hinge on Odesa. Without it, the country shrivels to a landlocked rump state.

Odesa Is Defiant. It’s Also Putin’s Ultimate Target in Ukraine.

President Vladimir V. Putin knows that Ukraine’s fate, its access to the sea and its grain exports hinge on Odesa. Without it, the country shrivels to a landlocked rump state.