Tag: Appalachian Region

Former Coal Towns Get Money for Clean-Energy Factories

An Energy Department program designed to create jobs and manufacturing in communities reliant on fossil fuels is backing projects in West Virginia, Colorado and elsewhere.

Pennsylvania Fugitive Danelo Cavalcante Joins Long History of Notable Manhunts

Here is a look at five expansive searches that lasted weeks, months or even years before the authorities caught their targets.

Late Summer Getaways at 5 Country Hotels

Whether it’s a “yurt village” in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains or a riverside mansion in Cognac country in France, here are places where food and nature enthusiasts can mark the season’s end.

Read Your Way Through Appalachia

Barbara Kingsolver, whose Pulitzer-winning “Demon Copperhead” offered a variegated portrait of the region, guides readers through a literary landscape “as bracing and complex as a tumbling mountain creek.”