Tag: Abbas, Mahmoud

As Gaza Death Toll Mounts, the Peace Lobby Fights for Influence in Washington

The Friends Committee, a Quaker lobbying group, has been pushing in Washington for a cease-fire, going up against more powerful and better-funded groups backing Israel.

Mohammed Dahlan, a Palestinian Exile, on an Arab Vision for Gaza

Mohammed Dahlan, who advises the United Arab Emirates, provided public insights into what Arab governments are privately planning for the battered enclave after the war ends.

Israel Will Not Soon Ends Its War With Hamas, Officials Say

Amid global pressure to reach a cease-fire and fears of a widening regional war, Israel says it will continue to fight in Gaza until Hamas is defeated.

Can the Palestinian Authority Really Govern Gaza After the War?

Considered authoritarian and corrupt, the Palestinian Authority is still Washington’s choice to run the enclave. But many believe it can only be credible now if it includes Hamas.