South Korea’s New President Calls for Criminal Investigation of Past Government Newly released photos of two North Korean men being deported under Moon Jae-in have revived accusations of a potential “crime against humanity.”
In South Korea, Biden Moves to Shore Up Alliance President Biden said he would consider expanding joint military exercises that were scaled back during the Trump administration.
In South Korea, Joe Biden Seeks to Rebuild Economic Ties Across Asia The president began his first Asian visit with a tour of a Samsung plant as he tries to address supply-chain woes and rebuild U.S. manufacturing.
In South Korea, Joe Biden Seeks to Rebuild Economic Ties Across Asia The president began his first Asian visit with a tour of a Samsung plant as he tries to address supply-chain woes and rebuild U.S. manufacturing.
South Korea Inaugurates Yoon Suk-yeol as President During his inaugural speech, Yoon Suk-yeol said his country would play a greater role in promoting freedom and human rights around the world.