Tag: Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Reserves

After Shutting Down, These Golf Courses Went Wild

Most defunct golf courses get paved over, but a number are getting transformed into ecological life rafts for wildlife, plants — and people.

Belgian Preserve Melds Farming and Conservation, and Fights Extreme Weather

Can Europe fight the effects of extreme weather while producing enough affordable food? A model combining conservation with agriculture may offer a solution.

Biden Cracks Down on Drilling and Mining

In the months since President Biden approved the Willow drilling project, his administration has curtailed fossil fuel activities on millions of acres of public land and in federal waters.

Biden Administration Expected to Cancel Drilling Leases in Alaskan Wildlife Refuge

The oil and gas rights had been sold to the state’s economic development agency under the Trump administration.

As Weather Threats Loom, Even Chimps Learn to Shelter in Place

How do you teach 300 chimpanzees to seek safety in a storm? With cowbells, sound machines and a bright orange Frisbee.