Tag: Watergate Affair

The Trump Documents Case Puts the Justice System on Trial

The former president’s efforts to defend against multiple felony counts by discrediting law enforcement pose a grave challenge to democracy.

A President Faces Prosecution, and a Democracy Is Tested

For more than two centuries, American presidents were effectively shielded from indictment. But the case against former President Donald J. Trump breaks that taboo and sets a new precedent.

What Ford’s Pardon of Nixon Means (and Doesn’t Mean) for Trump

A presidential prosecution could help restore national confidence in the judicial system.

Trump Flouted Rules About Presidential Records. That’s Not How It Usually Works.

Presidents from both parties have followed tightly restricted procedures that conform to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, which was enacted after Watergate.

The Mysteries of Mar-a-Lago

What is in those files? Where did they come from? Whose fingerprints are on them? And who shows up on the surveillance tapes from the Trump mansion