Tag: Veterans Affairs Department

What Are Burn Pits, and How Did They Harm U.S. Troops?

Veterans and their advocates describe continuously burning fires on overseas bases that consumed the military’s trash and produced toxic smoke.

Biden Signs Bill to Help Veterans Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits

President Biden, who has long advocated the expanded benefits, has speculated that his son Beau developed brain cancer because of exposure to burn pits when he served in Iraq.

Senate Passes Burn Pits Legislation, Expanding Benefits for Veterans

Republicans who had blocked the bill, which would extend benefits to an estimated 3.5 million veterans, allowed it to pass after trying unsuccessfully to limit funding for the treatments.

Experimental Psychedelic Therapy Returns to the V.A.

A series of clinical trials using MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms represent a resurrection of promising research abandoned in the 1960s.

Civil Rights Veterans Should Get Veterans Administration Benefits

Those who fought for America’s democracy should be treated as the war heroes they are.