Tag: United States Attorneys

U.S. Attorney in Hunter Biden Case Defends Investigation to House Republicans

David C. Weiss, a Trump appointee, denied that he had retaliated against an I.R.S. official who testified about divisions in the case.

Few of Trump’s G.O.P. Rivals Defend Justice Dept. Independence

The evolution of the Republican Party under the influence of former President Donald J. Trump calls into question a post-Watergate norm.

Federal Watchdogs Outline Allegations of Misconduct by Rachael Rollins

Rachael S. Rollins, who plans to resign from her office in Boston, tried to aid a political ally, lied under oath and violated the Hatch Act, a pair of government watchdog reports found.

Trump, on Eve of Surrender, Adds Former U.S. Prosecutor to Defense Team

Todd Blanche previously represented Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.