Tag: Traumatic Brain Injury

Did Army Blast Exposure Play Role in Maine Gunman’s Rampage?

Medical scientists and the military are looking into whether Robert Card’s psychological collapse was linked to brain damage from his role as a grenade instructor.

Was Maine Gunman’s Brain Damaged by Blast Exposure in the Army?

Medical scientists and the military are looking into whether Robert Card’s psychological collapse was linked to brain damage from his role as a grenade instructor.

U.S. Troops Still Train on Weapons With Known Risk of Brain Injury

Pentagon researchers say weapons like shoulder-fired rockets expose troops who fire them to blast waves far above safety limits, but they remain in wide use.

U.S. Strikes Iranian-Linked Targets in Syria

The Pentagon said the airstrikes against facilities used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its proxies were in retaliation for recent rocket and drone attacks on American forces.