Tag: Toomey, Patrick J

Why Ben Sasse and Veteran Republicans Soured on Senate Runs

Even as the midterms rage, veteran lawmakers are throwing up their hands and throwing in the towel.

Senate Passes Burn Pits Legislation, Expanding Benefits for Veterans

Republicans who had blocked the bill, which would extend benefits to an estimated 3.5 million veterans, allowed it to pass after trying unsuccessfully to limit funding for the treatments.

Congress Is Paralyzed on Guns. Here’s Why Chris Murphy Is Still Hopeful.

The Democrat from Connecticut, who has spent his decade in the Senate trying and failing to enact gun safety bills, says his party should make the issue the core of its 2022 midterm message.

Is John Fetterman the Future of the Democratic Party?

His quirky personal and political appeal is different from that of a typical Pennsylvania Democrat.

Hard-Liners Gain in Pennsylvania G.O.P. Races, Worrying Both Parties

Doug Mastriano and Kathy Barnette are amplifying Donald Trump’s stolen-election lie in two key races. Republicans fear they could lose in November. Democrats fear they could win.