Tag: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017)

Higher Rates Stoke a Growing Chorus of Deficit Concerns

A long period of higher interest rates would make the government’s large debt pile costly, a possibility that is fueling a conversation about debt sustainability.

Federal Reserve Officials See Rates Staying High

Federal Reserve officials forecast higher interest rates through 2026 this week, a sign that borrowing costs are not heading back to the rock-bottom levels normal before the pandemic.

Pass the Debt Ceiling Deal

Biden’s deal with Republicans would avoid default and deserves support, but Congress was reckless in allowing this standoff to happen again.

Fact-Checking the Kickoff to Biden’s Re-election Campaign

The president omitted key context when discussing the federal deficit, exaggerated his approval ratings and misstated his family history.

The Powerful Lobbyist Behind Kevin McCarthy: Jeff Miller

Jeff Miller is the new House speaker’s top fund-raiser and closest confidant. He is also one of Washington’s most prominent corporate lobbyists, an arrangement that is drawing scrutiny.