Tag: Sund, Steven A

Former Guard Official Says Army Retaliated for His Account of Jan. 6 Delay

Col. Earl Matthews, the top lawyer for the D.C. National Guard during the assault on the Capitol, said in a whistle-blower complaint that he was punished for contradicting the testimony of two top generals.

Timothy J. Heaphy Led the House Jan. 6 Investigation. Here’s What He Learned.

The top staff investigator for the House inquiry on the Capitol attack opened up about his biggest takeaways and why proving intent is the key to a criminal charge against former President Donald J. Trump.

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Faults Intelligence Officials and Military in Jan. 6 Attack

Steven A. Sund wrote in his new book that intelligence possessed by the F.B.I. and other agencies should have had them “seeing red.” He also criticized the military’s slow response to the siege.