Tag: Stations and Terminals (Passenger)

The Office Market is Cratering. Why Should That Hold Up Penn Station?

Several lawmakers have withdrawn their support for the state’s project in Midtown Manhattan as new developers rush to offer alternatives for remaking the transit hub.

Plan B for Fixing Penn Station Would Wrap Madison Square Garden in Glass

The previous proposal to help pay for the renovation of the station, which could cost up to $10 billion in state funds, has been shelved.

Eurostar, Symbol of a Connected Europe, Is Plagued by Brexit Hurdles

The high-speed train service under the English Channel is leaving many seats unfilled, rather than risk delays caused by more rigorous passport checks for Britons.

Why New York State Insists That the Penn Station Area Is ‘Blighted’

The designation gives Gov. Kathy Hochul authority to transform the Manhattan neighborhood and build 10 skyscrapers there. A lawsuit is challenging her claim.