Tag: Sievierodonetsk (Ukraine)

Ukraine Retreats From Sievierodonetsk, as Russia Grinds On

With the withdrawal from Sievierodonetsk, the fighting shifts to neighboring Lysychansk, the last city in the Luhansk region still under Ukrainian control.

Russia Gains in Eastern Ukraine, Threatening to Overrun Luhansk

The seizure of three strategic villages confronts Ukrainian commanders with a grim choice: fight on and risk encirclement or retreat and lose the last major centers in the region.

In Ukraine, One Woman’s Shopping Trip Over a Collapsed Bridge

Bridges are critical in the battle for Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk, separated by a river. Shelling has mostly destroyed them, but that didn’t stop one woman from walking across to buy some basics.

U.S. Officials Predict Path of War in Ukraine

As Russia makes slow but steady progress, the arrival of new weapons systems will help Ukraine hang onto territory, U.S. officials and analysts say.