Tag: Secession and Independence Movements

Taiwan Party, Reviled by China, Faces Test of its Staying Power

The Democratic Progressive Party has transformed Taiwan into a bastion against Chinese power. Now it is promising a mix of change and continuity.

Quebec Still Longs for Its Lost Hockey Team, a Nationalist Symbol

Ever since the Quebec Nordiques decamped in 1995, leaving a hole in the Francophone city, vote-seeking officials have vowed to bring them back. But younger voters may be starting to forget the team.

Alleged Plot to Kill Sikh Separatist Highlights Thorn in India’s Side

The charges are rooted in a decades-old dispute over the demand by some Sikhs for a sovereign state known as Khalistan carved out of northern India.

A Foiled Plot’s Burning Question: Why Would India Take the Risk?

After an indictment accuses an Indian official of ordering an assassination on U.S. soil, diplomats and experts debate how far up the chain the scheme went.

Pedro Sánchez Secures New Term to Lead a Divided Spain

The Socialist prime minister won a parliamentary vote only after promising amnesty to Catalan separatists, enraging conservatives.